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LGB 44858
Construction period: not cataloged U.S. Special Series 2001
4-axle bogie container wagon for (23rd Annual Meeting MRRC, 2001 in Atlanta, Georgia). Container wagons orange, labeled in white with "23th Convention Atlanta 2001 / The Pride of Dixie" (everything in cursive). Container color orange, long side printed (Printed film?) With LGB logo and logo MRRC and Illustration ÚS locomotive / background Cityscape '. Labeled with "Atlanta 2001 / Take the Midnight Train to Georgia". Front side blue (slide?) Labeled (foil printed?) With logo MRRC and "23rd Convention / Atlanta 2001" (in cursive). Container roof Blue (foil?) Printed with logo LGB and "The Pride of Dixie" (cursive). Disc wheels.
Length: 415 mm
Catalog: ---
Edition: N.B.