LGB 31204 - Amfleet® Split Club Passenger Car; VI - New 2023
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LGB 31204 - Amfleet® Split Club Passenger Car; VI - New 2023

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LGB 31204 - Amfleet® Split Club Passenger Car; VI - New 2023
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  • € 449.10
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LGB 31204 Amfleet® Split Club Passenger Car

There are different designs for the cafe cars of the Amfleet® cars: The "Club" version with a small dining area and another open area with seats, and the "Cafe" version with two dining areas. On longer trains, both types of cars are used together to provide more seating in the cafe area.

The locomotives to go with this car are available under item numbers 20493 and 20494. A typical Phase VI express train such as the famous "City of New Orleans"® can be made up with the other new Amtrak Amfleet® cars.

Phase VI paint scheme for Amtrak.Metal wheelsets.Interior details.Interior lighting with LEDs.Additional car numbers included as stickers.

EAN: 4011525312048

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